Chemistry Education

The Department of Chemistry Education at the IPN examines the learning and teaching of chemistry and science in the context of different educational institutions. These include, among others, school and university, but also extracurricular teaching-learning environments such as student laboratories or student research centers.


Understanding Chemistry, Creating Access, Embracing Innovations

Whether it's climate development, securing resources, food and energy supplies, or mobility - addressing many of today's societal challenges is closely intertwined with fundamental knowledge of chemistry. We need to continuously expand this knowledge. Only if we are well informed can we make decisions that affect both our individual everyday lives and developments in society as a whole. Research and transfer activities in the department therefore focus not only on schoolchildren and teachers, but also on the general public. They address fundamental mechanisms of understanding and interest development and further develop educational and science communication programs.

Professional Learning as a Foundation

Examining professional learning represents one of the focal points in the department. Employees systematically develop and test coordinated learning opportunities in various projects. The focus is also on individual characteristics of the learners, such as interests or language-related skills. In addition, we examine the possibilities of digital tools and technologies, such as VR-based learning environments or multimedia learning resources, as well as the expectations and prerequisites of teachers and learners with regard to various offers.

Networking Science and Educational Practice

Many children's first conscious encounter with chemistry is in the classroom. Yet students receive only very restricted insights due to the small number of lessons. They have little opportunity to grasp the real significance and diversity of chemistry. Extracurricular learning and science communication formats are therefore becoming increasingly important. This is how students learn about the challenges that research and technological developments are tackling and the solutions they offer.

Interested boys and girls are actively involved in a variety of activities offered by the department. They gain first impressions and discuss their findings in the themed laboratories of the Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) for example. The Teaching-Learning-Laboratory is also involved in science communication to the general public at numerous events throughout Schleswig-Holstein. Ongoing programs at the Schülerforschungszentrum or the STEM-Academy promote young people’s interests and talents. In addition, various Citizen Science projects invite participants to get involved in real science. Staff from the chemistry education department at the IPN not only coordinate various offers and programs, but also implement projects for further developments and research projects.

Targeted Science Communication

Science outreach programs in collaborative research centers and Clusters of Excellence at Kiel University integrate chemistry perspectives into various interdisciplinary contexts. Ranging from medicine to materials sciences to archaeology they once more demonstrate the fundamental, yet interconnected character of chemistry. These programs include the qualification of professional scientists for audience-related science communication or for their own involvement in educational programs.

Department Head


Rebecca Müller
Room 209
Telephone: +49(0)431-880-3125

Office Hours
Monday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thuesday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

IPN – Leibniz Institute for Science and
Mathematics Education
Department Chemistry Education
Olshausenstr. 62
24118 Kiel