Science@Seas STEM Cluster
Project description
The Science@Seas STEM cluster aims to network and supplement existing or emerging support structures in Schleswig-Holstein in a targeted manner. It focuses on offers for young people such as research training, creative craft development and the YES!MINT competition. Since 2022, the MINT Kultur*en festivals have also been held annually in various regions of Schleswig-Holstein.
In collaboration with the Technische Akademie Nord e.V., the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics, the European University of Flensburg as well as the Schleswig-Holstein Research Forum and local businesses, the aim is to further strengthen the importance and opportunities of STEM in the public eye as well as in the eyes of young people.
YES! MINT student competition
In the YES! MINT competition organized by the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, approximately 140 students from grades 7 to 9 work in teams each year to create their own problem analysis and vision. At the beginning of the school year, researchers from partner institutions throughout Schleswig-Holstein select topics based on their current research. All research topics focus on the intersection of business and STEM along the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The school teams present and discuss their results at the final in December. The students and the panel of experts decide on the best projects.
MakeMINT! is a regularly recurring STEM program offered by the Technische Akademie Nord e.V. (TAN) in Kiel. It is based on the school curriculum and is offered as a core elective course. Students are introduced to innovative STEM content such as programming or robotics in a easy access manner to boost interest in STEM. The programs show where mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology are applied in practice - particularly with the inclusion of state-of-the-art and modern technologies. The courses take place in online formats, on site at school or in the TAN training workshop.
MINTKultur*en Festival
The Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF) and the Phänomenta organize the MINT-Kultur*en festivals every year at various locations in Schleswig-Holstein. Young people between the ages of 10 and 16 who have not yet found access to STEM topics find easy access and opportunities to participate in activities they are curious about. This is intended to awaken their enthusiasm for STEM and at the same time show them opportunities regarding their future career or study choices. The festivals also aim to raise awareness of the importance of STEM in society and for everyday life. Participants are from scientific institutions and companies, the education sector, culture and the arts, as well as business and the trades.
The IPN organizes initial offers such as the TalentCamps via the STEM Academy in cooperation with Kiel University. During the 2022 fall break, these were held on the topics of "Sustainable energy research: raw material to raw material" and "Bionics: learning from nature" and had 30 participants in total at the Kiel Science Outreach Lab. Workshops on renewable raw materials for the energy transition, energy research and bionics were also held to further strengthen the topics. Regional companies were involved in each of the events. TalentCamps took place again in the 2023 fall vacations. The focus was on energy research and science communication.
Further information can be found on the Science Surfers website.
Project funding
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the MINT Cluster Science@Seas for the four-year project period from 12.2020 to 11.2024 with a total of €875,858.